Monday, June 19, 2006

I'm featured on the Weekend Mail!!

For those who didn't know, I was featured on the Weekend Mail. Click here to read it. Woo hoo!

As for my illness, I'm still recovering with just minor throat irritation and stuffed nose. Other that that, the throat infection is well taken care of with Augmentin by GSK. Gf mentioned that I'm totally bought by Augmentin since I bragged that it's the BMW of antibiotics. Truth be told, it is one of the 3 antibiotics recommended by Center of Disease Control(CDC) for upper respitory infection. Besides, being a former drug pusher, I had to believe in what I sell in order to convince the doctors that it's better than Zithromax or Unasyn, both of Pfizer.

Speaking of gf, she's now in Seoul for training. She's extending her stay for holidays too.

So what's to expect from me while she's away? Nothing. It's the World Cup season, so will probably spend a substantial amount of time watching the matches. Besides that, I'll be trying to practise my BODYATTACK tracks as beginning JULY, I am finally getting BODYATTACK classes- thanks Crystal!!