Thursday, July 24, 2008

Weather forecast... a flu is coming

Not feeling well on Tuesday morning - must have strained myself in Axis the night before teaching RPM without the mic. I had felt a bit odd after the class, but couldn't get someone to be on standby to cover my morning class.

Nevertheless, the show must go on. Went to IOI to teach my 9.35am RPM before going home to rest. Fortunately I went - 24 ladies attended the class. Had a box of tissue paper on top of the sound system. So there I was, riding the bike while showing the ladies how I wrap my wan-tans.

Went home after that and managed to get a sick leave from the doctor. After seeing this doctor a couple of times, I finally realised that he looks like a slim-down version of Pietro.

Woke up on Wednesday feeling much better but decided to rest again to prepare for the night's RPM Challenge. Probably couldn've gotten Brian to do a regular RPM class but didn't want to disappoint the members since it's the one and only RPM Challenge in IOI Mall.

Felt even better after lunch and I slept for a while to really give the body sufficient rest to push later. Went to IOI Mall around 5pm and did some chest & biceps workout since I didn't do any weight training the day before.

Overall a good class but not as difficult as the week before- body didn't feel that strong yet. Kinda feel sorry for the 4 newcomers. Of all the classes they could've gone to, they've decided to try RPM Challenge - hope this experience won't scare them away from trying the regular class.

On another note, my gym member lend me this book to read:

This book is by an organization called Exodus International, the largest Christian referral and information network dealing with homosexual issues in the world.

Basically it is about exactly what the sub-title says,.... stories of 14 former homosexuals. It's about how/when they found out that they were homosexuals, their convictions and struggles.
It's interesting to see how different ways they discovered single sex attractions in their lives.

fascinating indeed.