Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Finished talking to someone over the phone tonight and this word came back to mind.


Fervor, ardor, enthusiasm, zeal mean intense emotion compelling action. Passion applies to an emotion that is deeply stirring or ungovernable passions (was a slave to his passions). Fervor implies a warm and steady emotion (read the poem aloud with great fervor). Ardor suggests warm and excited feeling likely to be fitful or short-lived (ardor of their honeymoon soon faded). Enthusiasm applies to lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity (never show much enthusiasm for sports). Zeal implies energetic and unflagging pursuit of an aim or devotion to a cause (preaches with a fanatical zeal).
(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

Hope we are all doing the things we do for the right reason....